2. 化合物評価
  3. 細胞形態・表現型解析による分子プロファイリング

Evaluation of the test compounds by cell morphology and phenotypic screening system

(担当:井本正哉・田代 悦)
(Members in charge: Masaya Imoto, Etsu Tashiro)


The aim of this cell morphology and phenotypic screening system is to evaluate the activity of the test compound against epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) regulation, autophagy regulation, wound healing inhibition, or neuroprotection. Since these assay systems can evaluate the activity of the test compound in cytotoxicity-independent manner, they are also useful for the compounds that do not show any positive effects using cell line panel.

Neuroprotection assay



Neuronal cell death is a common feature of neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and Huntington’s disease. Among them, mitochondrial dysfunction has been observed in the brains of Parkinson’s patients. Moreover, administration of MPTP, which is known to cause mitochondrial dysfunction, to monkeys and rats shows neuropathological characteristics of Parkinson’s disease. In addition, treatment of MPP+, a metabolite of MPTP, to neuronal cells is reported to induce cell death. Therefore, MPP+ are used to mimic Parkinson’s disease in vitro. In this assay system, the neuroprotection activity of the test compounds was assessed by their suppressive activities against MPP+-induced neuronal cell death.


ラット副腎髄質褐色細胞腫PC12D細胞をNGF(100 ng/ml)存在下で2日間培養すると神経様細胞に分化する。そこにMPP+(0.3 mM)を添加すると48時間後に細胞死が誘導される(Fujimaki T. et al. PLoS ONE (2014) vol.9, e100395)。そこで、MPP+による神経細胞死抑制活性をFACS解析にて評価する。なお、陽性対照には神経保護作用が報告されているkaempferol(30-50 μM)を用いる。


NGF-differentiated PC12D cells are treated with the test compounds together with 0.3 mM MPP+. After 48 hrs treatment, the cells are stained with propidium iodide and the DNA contents are analyzed by flow cytometer according to a previous report (Fujimaki T. et al. (2014) PLoS ONE, vol. 9, e100395). Kaempferol is used as a positive control, because kaempferol at 30-50 μM has been shown to protect MPP+-induced neuronal cell death.

Evaluation of the activity

検体は0.1 μM、1 μM、10 μMの濃度で細胞に添加し、MPP+による細胞死抑制効果をFACS解析によるsubG1期(アポトーシス)の測定で評価する。MPP+による細胞死を50%抑制した検体については陽性と判定する。

NGF-differentiated PC12D cells are treated with the test compounds (0.1, 1, or 10 μM) together with 0.3 mM MPP+ for 48 hrs, and the neuroprotection activity of each test compounds is evaluated by calculating the percentage of sub-G1 peak in FACS data. We will judge the test compound as positive if the test compound suppressed MPP+-induced neuronal cell death over 50%.

EMT regulation assay



Epithelial-Mesenchymal transition (EMT) is a process by which epithelial cells lose their cell polarity and cell-cell adhesion to become mesenchymal cells. Recent studies have suggested that EMT is involved in cancer cell migration and drug resistance, however, the regulatory mechanism of EMT has been still unclear. Therefore, the compounds modulating EMT would be useful bioprobes for investigating the mechanism of EMT. In this assay system, we will evaluate the activity of the test compounds to reverse the mesenchymal phenotype to epithelial phenotype (MET-inducing activity).


TGF-β刺激によるEMT誘導能の高いヒト大腸がんLoVo-KO細胞をTGF-β刺激(1 ng/ml)すると48時間後には細胞間接着の消失及び上皮マーカーとして知られるE-cadherinの発現減少と間葉マーカーとして知られるN-cadherinの発現上昇が見られ、EMTが誘導される。そこでEMTが誘導されたLoVo-KO細胞を検体を添加し、さらに48時間培養、TGF-β刺激によるE-cadherin発現減少を回復させ、且つN-cadherinの発現上昇を阻害する活性を調べる。なお、陽性対照にはTGF-βRI阻害剤であるSB431542(1 μM)を用いる。

具体的には、LoVo-KO細胞を6ウェルプレートに蒔き、24時間後にFBS 1%の培地に交換すると共にTGF-β(1 ng/ml)を添加する。48時間後に検体を添加し、さらに48時間後に細胞を回収する。その後E-cadherin抗体とN-cadherin抗体を用いたウェスタンブロットを行い、E-cadherin発現量回復率およびN-cadherin発現量阻害率を評価する。

A subline of human colorectal carcinoma LoVo (LoVo-KO) cells are treated with 1 ng/ml TGF-β for 48 hrs, then, the cells are treated with the test compounds for another 48 hrs. The cells are collected and subjected to Western blotting using anti-E-cadherin and N-cadherin antibodies as previously reported (Tashiro E. et al. (2016) Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., vol. 477, p801). The activity of the test compounds to regulate EMT is evaluated by calculating the intensity of bands corresponding to E-cadherin and N-cadherin using ImageLab software.

Evaluation of the activity

検体は0.1 μM、1 μM、10μMの濃度で細胞に添加し、TGF-β刺激によるE-cadherin発現減少を30%以上回復させ、且つTGF-β刺激によるN-cadherin発現上昇を50%以上阻害したものを陽性と判定する。

The mesenchymal LoVo-KO cells induced by TGF-β are treated with the test compounds (0.1, 1, or 10 μM) for 48 hrs, and the EMT regulating activity of each compound is evaluated by the expression of E-cadherin and N-cadherin. We will judge the test compound as positive if the test compound cancelled TGF-β-induced decrease of E-cadherin expression and increase of N-cadherin expression over 30% and 50%, respectively.

Autophagy regulation assay


オートファジーは飢餓時における栄養確保や異常タンパク質の分解除去のため、細胞が自らの細胞内成分を分解するシステムであり、①隔離膜による細胞質成分やオルガネラの取り込み、②隔離膜同士の融合によるオートファゴソーム形成、③オートファゴソームとリソソームの融合によるオートリソソーム形成、そして、④オートリソソーム内の内包物の分解、によって成り立っている。またオートファジーは、がんや神経変性疾患など様々な疾患においてその活性化や機能異常が観察されることから、オートファジー制御物質はこれら疾患の発症機構や制御機構解明の有用なバイオプローブとなる。オートファジーを検出するためには、オートファゴソームに集積するタンパク質LC3に緑色蛍光タンパク質GFPを連結させたGFP-LC3をモニタリングする系が広く用いられている。そこで本系でも、HeLa細胞にGFP-LC3を安定的に発現させたGFP-LC3/HeLa細胞を用い、GFP-LC3の蛍光シグナルをモニタリングすることでオートファジー制御活性を評価する(Sasazawa Y. et al. ACS Chem Biol. (2012) vol.7, p892)。

Autophagy is a degradation and recycling system of the unnecessary or dysfunctional components in order to secure nutrients during starvation or eliminate abnormal proteins. Activation or dysfunction of autophagy is observed in various diseases such as cancer and neurodegenerative diseases. Therefore, the compounds regulating autophagy would be useful bioprobes for not only investigating the mechanism of autophagy regulation but also elucidating the mechanism of the involvement of autophagy in the development of these diseases. As LC3-II is incorporated into the surfaces of autophagosomes, monitoring the GFP puncta of a green fluorescence protein (GFP)-LC3 fusion protein can be widely used to identify autophagosomes. Therefore, in this assay system, we evaluate the activity of the test compounds to regulate autophagy by monitoring GFP puncta of GFP-LC3 proteins in HeLa cells stably expressing GFP-LC3 (Sasazawa Y. et al. (2012) ACS Chem Biol., vol. 7, p892).


GFP-LC3を安定的に発現させたGFP-LC3/HeLa細胞に検体を添加する。8時間後と24時間後にGFP-LC3の蛍光シグナルを蛍光顕微鏡にて観察し、GFP-LC3がドット状に観察されればオートファジー誘導剤もしくはオートリソソーム形成阻害剤として陽性判定とする。なお、オートファジー誘導剤としての陽性対象にはBafilomycin A1(10 nM)を用いる。


HeLa/GFP-LC3 cells are treated with the test compounds, then, after 8 or 24 hrs treatment, the puncta of GFP-LC3 are observed under a fluorescence microscope. If the test compound increased the number of the GFP puncta, the test compound would be judged as autophagy inducer or autophagy inhibitor. We use bafilomycin A1 (10 nM) as a positive compound that inhibit autophagy. The GFP-positive puncta area is calculated using ImageJ software.

Evaluation of the activity

検体は0.1 μM、1 μM、10 μMの濃度で細胞に添加し、GFP-LC3がドット状に観察され、且つGFP-LC3のドット面積が検体未処理サンプルに比べて有意に2倍以上増加した場合はその検体を陽性と判定する。

HeLa/GFP-LC3 cells are treated with the test compounds (0.1, 1, or 10 μM) for 8 or 24 hrs, and the autophagy regulating activity of each compounds is evaluated by calculating the number of GFP puncta. We will judge the test compound as positive if the test compound significantly increased GFP puncta over 2-fold.

Wound healing assay



Cell migration is a fundamental step for various biological phenomena, especially cancer cell invasion and metastasis. Therefore, the compounds that inhibit cell migration would be useful bioprobes for elucidating the mechanism of cancer cell invasion. Therefore, in this assay system, we evaluate the activity of the test compound to inhibit cell migration by using human esophageal carcinoma EC17 cells that have high migration activity (Takemoto Y. et al. (2005) Chem. Biol., vol. 12, p1337).


EC17細胞を12ウェルプレートに蒔き、培養する。そしてコンフルエントの状態になったEC17細胞にマイクロチップでひっかき傷を付け、模擬的な傷を作る。続いてFBS 1%の培地に交換すると共に検体を添加し、12時間後に埋まる傷をどれだけ阻害するのか、傷の面積を定量化することで評価する。なお、陽性対照にはMK571(30 μM)(Magi S. et al. Sci Rep. (2012) vol.2, p823)を用いる。

A confluent monolayer of EC17 cells in a 12-well plate is scratched with a micropipette tip to create a cell-free zone as reported previously (Takemoto Y. et al. (2005) Chem. Biol., vol. 12, p1337), and then the test compound is added. After 12 hrs, the wound areas are observed under microscope and quantified using ImageJ software. We use MK571 (30 μM) as a positive compound that inhibits cell migration.

Evaluation of the activity

検体は0.1 μM、1 μM、10 μMの濃度で細胞に添加し、傷の面積を定量化する。細胞運動活性は、(傷つけ0時間の傷面積)-(傷つけ12時間後の傷面積)を測定し、検体未添加時の値を100%として数値化する。細胞運動活性を50%阻害したものは陽性と判定する。

EC17 cells are treated with the test compounds (0.1, 1, or 10 μM) for 12 hrs, and the wound area are quantified using ImageJ software. We evaluate the inhibitory activity of the test compounds for cell migration by calculating the values of (scratch area at 0 hr) - (scratch area at 12 hrs). We will judge the test compound as positive if the test compound inhibited cell migration over 50%.
